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Why Blogging?

2 min read

I'm a big fan of writing. Not just about coding or programming, but just about everything. I've written thousand and thousand of pages throughout the past few years. But when It comes to coding and programming I wirte to document.


When I'm working on a new project, I usually go through a process. Often a long process of searching, googling and learning about new things, new tools and techonolgies.

And sometimes I find myself in a try/fail cycle, because I couldn't find good resources and straight forward answers on what I was looking for. So a while ago I decided to start writing about what I learn, whatever I am thinking about or working on.

But It was all private. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that I decided to publish them as a public blog post. Before that I didn't really think that these notes and writings can actually help other people. Cuz I thought these are way too simple and everyone knows them and bluh bluh bluh! It turned out I was wrong :)

I guess that's how the mind works! It forgets that just a few days ago you were desperately looking for solutions on the problem. Now that you found it, You think it's worth nothing.

Anyway... back to the why.

I needed a way to keep track of what I'm working on, whether It is software development or not. I also do a lot of research and I find interesting things. I document those interesting things as a blog post so I can easily refer to them later. But hopefully you will also find these posts helpful and interesting too.

February 22, 2021

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